Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Essay about Barriers and Obstacles to Critical Thinking

Barriers and Obstacles to Critical Thinking Your Name PHL 251 March 21, 2011 Philip Reynolds Barriers and Obstacles to Critical Thinking Critical thinking helps thinkers to act instead of reacting. Reacting results in hasty decisions that are not always well thought-out. Quick decisions can lead to error or cause more problems. Evaluating decision is important to the decision-making process. During reflections a thinker can rethink what the outcome was and if the problem could have been addressed in a better manner. By evaluating decisions a thinker is learning what works and what does not work, therefore, fostering successful problem- solving and decision-making skills. However, critical thinking can be damaged or affected by†¦show more content†¦The understanding of others is a welcomed benefit. Although experience is a wonderful teacher, if it is filtered through a biased or distorted view, that is how it is remembered. Self- delusion supports self-delusion. Create an open mind and question logic by asking again and again, â€Å"Am I thinking logically and rationally†. This is called a sanity check. Another good sanity check is choosing friends and colleagues who will speak truthfully, not just echoing words of affirmation. These friends are priceless as sounding boards for stream of thought and rational thinking. Scheduled pressure can be an enemy of sound critical thinking. They can lead to cutting corners which may lead to making mistakes and poor decision making. Stress can also lead to mistakes and bad decision making. Procrastination at time is result of not knowing where to start can result in more stress and cutting corners. To overcome this barrier is as simple as proper planning and execution. Group thinking is danger to critical thinking. Critical thinking by its very nature questions ideas, opinions, and thoughts of oneself and others. It uses internal and external reflection. Sources include radio, television, newspaper, magazines and the internet to reflect what is called normal thinking. Questioning the source and what heard are ways to demonstrate critical thinking skills. Being a thinker takes conscious and constantShow MoreRelatedEssay about My Journey Towards Acacemid Success663 Words   |  3 PagesLearning Reflection A solid education is imperative for success. Education impacts the personal and professional side of life. I have been in the pursuit of my degree for quite some time. I have allowed obstacles to distract and discourage me from obtaining my degree. For instance, my language barrier was an impediment for quite some time. I was determined to work and become fluent in the English language. The experience of learning another language was challenging but rewarding. 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